Tuesday, January 31, 2012

7 SEO Tips for Better Search Engine Rankings

If you’ve done the obvious things on your website for search engine optimization (SEO)—like sprinkle keywords through your home page and have a value proposition that says what you offer that others do not—you can further increase your website ranking using some of these ideas.

1.      License your domain name for multiple years.  This tells search engines you plan to be around for a while.

2.      List the geographic areas you serve.  This lets search engines know what “local” means to you, so they can bring the right “local” customers to you.

3.      Give your pictures “alt tags.”  Alt Tags are HTML elements that let you describe a picture.  Use them because search engines cannot decipher pictures (or other types of rich media, like Flash and videos). 

4.      Use cascading style sheets (.css).  Cascading style sheets let you put all the formatting in one file so the search engine does not have to interpret it—and accidentally rank “font”  or “cell” as your most frequent keyword!

5.      Use simple sentences and use keywords as the noun in your sentence.  This is the easiest, most direct way to talk to customers and to search engine.  “Marketing for Software Companies that Want To Grow” communicates more clearly than “Could Your Marketing Use A Boost?”

6.      Put a local phone number on the page even if you use an 800-number.  Without it, rival companies in your immediate area could out-rank you in searches conducted by local prospects. 

7.      Change something on your homepage frequently. This tells the search engines your site is not static brochure-ware, which also helps your ranking.

MultiPlanet follows the work of SEO researchers carefully to keep our clients up-to-date on the latest search engine advantages.  

Contact me directly to discuss your company needs.
Aligning the stars for you.


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