Friday, December 04, 2009

Branding: Step Two--Finding your market niche

To successfully brand your company, you must decide which "game" you want to play in--that is, which market niche within your industry. It sounds easy and, often, it is. If you sell PCs, you're in the hardware industry and you're competing with Best Buys, Radio Shack, Dell online, etc. See? Easy.

But many times, especially for smaller companies, it’s more difficult to sharpen the focus. Do you design software and sell it (like Adobe)? Do you write custom software for other companies (like Accenture)? Do you write software for individual companies to bridge the gaps between software companies (like Perot Systems)? Or, do you provide contract programmers to help companies complete software projects (like Adecco)?

If you do a little of all of these--congratulations!!--you get to compete with IBM! Now do you see the problem? People want to hire the BEST person for the job they have. If your product or service offer is broad, you won't be perceived as the expert in anything. So pick ONE specific service area to focus on.

And here a tip: Pick the one that is the MOST LUCRATIVE in your geographic region.

Finding the market niche that (1) best fits your company's talents, (2) is most lucrative, and (3) has competitors that are vulnerable is well worth the investigation. After all, that's "where the money lives" for your company. Honing in on that market means the difference between running a business and climbing uphill.

Paige Miller, President
Success without Boundaries
Marketing for digital technology products


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