Monday, December 12, 2011

Meet the Press Loves Twitter

Interesting to hear so many marketing references on Meet the Press yesterday.  One of the commentators at the roundtable said one of the presidential candidates was an example of "as we say in marketing, resistant dependency.  When customer dislikes you but has to use you--like the cable company." 

(Ted Koppel tapped the guy on the arm and said something to the effect "don't bash the cable company--not on this network."  Everyone laughed.  NBC is owned by Comcast cable company.)  I never did find this sound bit on their website so you could hear it.  But I digress.

I hadn't heard the term "resistant dependency," but it's a good one, and I tucked it away for future use. 

Also, Dick Gregory (1) referenced a tweet sent by a viewer, (2) mentioned Ron Pauls "positive sentiment" on Twitter (wonder what listening software NBC uses), and (3) is seeking input on "What are your ideas for the debate?" on Facebook. 

Looks like Meet the Press Loves Twitter.  Fast, easy way to connect with your audience.  Good job.


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